
Get started with LNXlink


Select the installation type you want:

Install LNXlink and it's dependencies. It will create a config.yaml file and it will guide you through the basic configuration setup:

curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bkbilly/lnxlink/master/install.sh | bash

You can manually update the configuration file config.yaml and restart the service with the use of systemctl:

systemctl --user restart lnxlink.service  # For user installations
sudo systemctl restart lnxlink.service  # For root installations

Run sudo commands

Some commands need to run as a root user. To fix this, you need to allow some of them to run without asking for password:

# Edit the sudoers file:
sudo visudo
# Add this line at the end (replace USER with your username):
USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/grub-reboot
USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl


Remove LNXlink from your system.

# Disables systemd service
systemctl --user disable lnxlink.service

# Remove systemd service
rm ~/.config/systemd/user/lnxlink.service

# Uninstall the package
pip3 uninstall -U lnxlink

Last updated