
You can easily create your own modules for exposing any sensor you want for controlling or monitoring it.

How to start

Create a python app yourmodule.py with a unique name which starts with the class Addon:

class Addon():
    """Addon module"""

    def __init__(self, lnxlink):
        """Setup addon"""
        self.name = "New Module"

Get Sensor information

The method getControlInfo should return the value of the sensor you want to create. This can be one of these categories:

  • String

  • Integer

  • Boolean

  • JSON that contains keys with any of the above types

    def get_info(self):
        """Gather information from the system"""
        return {
            "status": 5

Control System

You can write the command you want to run when the topic containing the commands string is published to the MQTT server. The argument topic is a list separated with a slash (/). The argument data is a string or a json.

    def start_control(self, topic, data):
        """Control system"""

Expose Sensors and Controls

A new method under the Addon class has to be created which returns a dictionary with options specific for the sensor you want:

    def exposed_controls(self):
        """Exposes to home assistant"""
        return {
            "New Module": {
                "type": "sensor",

Bellow you can read more about each available option


This is required which is responsible for sending the appropriate type of command to the discovery of home assistant. These are the available types that are supported:

  • sensor

  • binary_sensor

  • button

  • switch

  • text

  • number

  • select

  • camera

  • image

  • update


This is required only if the getControlInfo method returns a dictionary and you want to get a value from that to display. You can change the status to the dictionary key you want:

  "value_template": "{{ value_json.status }}"


Any icon supported by home assistant can be added. More information on their site.

  "icon": "mdi:battery"


This is used only for types sensor and number which defines the unit of measurement of the sensor.

  "unit": "%"


This is used for the sensors binary_sensor, button, number, sensor, switch, update and defines. Each sensor has different options, so you will have to read the documentation on each integration on Home Assistant website.

  "device_class": "battery"


This is used only for the type sensor which is described here. These are the available options:

  • measurement

  • total

  • total_increasing

  "state_class": "measurement"


This changes the category of the sensor to be one of these:

  • diagnostic

  • config

  "entity_category": "diagnostic"


It tells home assistant to enable or disable the entity. By default it is True.

  "enabled": False


This is used only for the update sensor.

  "entity_picture": "https://github.com/bkbilly/lnxlink/raw/master/logo.png?raw=true"


This is used only for the update sensor.

  "title": "LNXlink"


This is used when we want to create a new entity with different attributes and options. This will replace the get_info method with the one you write on this key.

  "method": self.my_method


This is used only for types sensor and binary_sensor which defines the number of seconds after the sensor’s state expires, if it’s not updated. After expiry, the sensor’s state becomes unavailable.

  "expire_after": 5


This is used only for update sensor. It can be anything and it's used to enable the install option on Home Assistant.

  "install": "install"

Last updated